group show: Vulnerability, CYFEST, Crea Space, Venice, curated by Elena Gubanova and Anna Frants, opening 19 April until 30 August
2 people show: Aether/Etere. La presenza dell’assente. David Rickard, Mariateresa Sartori, Galleria Michela Rizzo, Venice, opening 19 July 2024, curated by Riccardo Greco
for Biennale Danza: Folklore Dynamics, Vidave Dance Company, 30 and 31 July ,Teatro Piccolo Arsenale, Venice, elaborated texts by Mariateresa Sartori
presentation of the folder produced in 30 copies Ha una grazia Venezia, a poem by Anna Cascella Luciani, a fine art pigment print by Mariateresa Sartori
Edizioni l’Obliquo, No. 13 in the Altane series. The publisher Giorgio Bertelli and the artist will speak. September, date to be confirmed.
New Wind, sound work, 26 September, Floating Cinema curated by Paolo Rosso, Alessandra Messali, Edoardo Aruta, Venice
group show: Isola Prossima, Museo Civico di Palazzo della Penna, Perugia, opening 19 September, curated by Massimo Mattioli
group show: Presi per incantamento, Centre de création contemporaine Olivier Debré à Tours France / CCC OD, curated by Isabelle Reiher and Chiara Bertola, 2024