video, loop, 2018, b/w, sound

with Kiki Dellisanti, Giovanni Dinello, Gustavo Frigerio, Antonella Mancino, Matilde Sambo

camera Furio Ganz, editing Mariateresa Sartori

music from Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky, Symphonie No 6 (Pathétique) op.74 in B minor director Yevgeny Mravinsky

thanks to: Ferruccio Busetto, Giorgio Busetto, Augusto Maurandi, Fabio Naccari, Lucia Veronesi, Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, Venezia

I Patetici link al video


The Pathetics move like puppets with motivations that elude us, passing from joy to despair, from fear to serenity, from aggression to desolation, abruptly, with no apparent motives other than internal ones made manifest by the music. They are driven by unconscious inner drives that determine dynamics, facts and destinies. Everything changes quickly and everything repeats itself in a kind of carousel without beginning or end. This is a work about human nature. We are “The Pathetics”.