The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by people going  in Place J.Guesde, Marseille, September 19, 2011, from 4:53:00 to 5:10:03 

Therefore, I want this to be a mere record, a relatively precise record of what occurred.  Invent nothing, observe what has been and what is, and know that that is exactly how things went, even though everything could have gone differently.

In this case I have distinguished the direction flows




The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by some volleyball players  on the beach Prophet, Marseille, September 12, 2011, from 5:21:00 to 5:28:36 pm

in this case  I have distinguished every single player and one boy that was excluded from the game



The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by people going on the beach de Corbières in Marseille, September 18, 2011, from 4:33:00 to

Here I have distinguished different direction flows and the areas



The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by people going in Place Peri, Underground exit  Vieux Port, Marsiglia, September 17,2011, from 5:40:00 to 5:57:22.

In this case I have distinguished different directions and different human categories



The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by people going in Place Jean Jéaures La Plaine, Marseille, September 16, 2011, from 6:48:00 to 7:03:52 pm

In this case I have distinguished people going alone, people going in pairs, people going in three or more



The drawings represent the actual trajectory traced by people going in Place Villeneuve-Bargemon, Marseille, September 14,2011, from 5:08:00 to 5:23:17 pm 

In this case I have distinguished children playing and different directions of people crossing the square